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Introducing our motorized fold-curtain system, a perfect solution for those seeking convenience and comfort in their home. This system can be operated through home automation or manually, giving you the flexibility to choose what works best for you. It's designed to be easily installed by any DIY enthusiast.
With this system, you can use any curtain textile of your choice, custom made to your preferred color, structure, and thickness, and simply put it on the system with the Velcro strip. This provides a unique touch to your interior decor while offering a high degree of comfort and appearance.
Using home automation, you can easily control the opening and closing of all the curtains with a single command, making it a hassle-free process. You can also set scenes for different times of the day, such as morning, evening, and heavy sun, to ensure that your curtains are always adjusted to your liking.
Upgrade your home with our motorized fold-curtain system and experience the ease and comfort of automated curtain control.