Quotation Request

The order of magnitude of the price depends essentially on the width of the system. As a rule of thumb, based on price settings of april 2023, you can see that the price per cm is around

The price of the motor has a greater impact on the smaller sizes of course.

In order to be able to provide you with a quotation with an exact price, we need some information that you can send us by printing this web page as a pdf file after you've completed the info and send to info@solivi.be. Do not leave the page before having printed it because we don't keep any information.

Generic information
Will the system be controlled
Manually or Home Automation
Who will install the system
Yourself or Electrician
What voltage do you want it to work with
230 VAC or 24 VDC
Specific information per window (give it your own ID below)
Daylight measure Width (cm)
Rollout Height (cm)
Overlap space 2x15cm L&R
L or R
Print it out with Ctrl+P > Save as pdf and send it to info@solivi.be